Big Guns Coffee - First Peak of the Blue Ridge
1 (800) 440-7848

Big Guns Coffee

Stop by and grab a fresh Coffee or one of our Signature lattes:

*Salty Dog Latte
(Espresso, Caramel, and Sea Salt)

*Snicker Doodle Latte
(Espresso, Vanilla, and Cinnamon)

*Calm Bean
(Espresso, Vanilla, and Lavender

*Peppermint Patty Latte
(Espresso, Peppermint, and Mocha)

*Pumpkin Spice
(Espresso and Pumpkin

*Carmel Apple Cider
(Espresso and Carmel Apple Butter

* Hot Peach Cider

* Hot Apple Cider
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