Bike Tours - First Peak of the Blue Ridge
1 (800) 440-7848

Bike Tours

Biking in rural Polk County provides gentle hills and steep grades where you will encounter mountain vistas, river gorges, and horse farms. Below are a few possibilities from the easy to the highly challenging. Read More Below
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Biking in rural Polk County provides gentle hills and steep grades where you will encounter mountain vistas, river gorges, and horse farms. Below are a few possibilities from the easy to the highly challenging.


Easy Loops Warrior Drive – 4 mile loop. Starting at Harmon Field Rd., turn right on US 176, right on Warrior Dr., right on Howard Gap Rd. and return to Harmon Field. Lake Lanier – 4.99 mile loop around Lake Lanier, in and out of NC and SC.


Challenges Saluda Grade Club – 8 miles from Tryon to Saluda along Scenic Highway/US 176 (900 foot climb).


Other possibible routes can be viewed online at, an online resource displaying favorite bike routes through the County.


Bicycle Tours Metric Century Tour – Every July 4, beginning at Harmon Field. Find out more Metric Century Tour Tour de Leaves Bicycle Tour – Third Saturday in October. Check out their website for more details Tour de Leaves.