Jazz Singer Nina Simone's Birthplace - First Peak of the Blue Ridge
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Jazz Singer Nina Simone’s Birthplace

Eunice Kathleen Waymon was born in this house on February 21, 1933. She grew up to become Nina Simone, who introduced the world to a unique musical infusion of pop, gospel, classical, jazz, folk and ballads, that she called "Black Classical Music." Read More Below
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Eunice Kathleen Waymon was born in this house on February 21, 1933. She grew up to become Nina Simone, who introduced the world to a unique musical infusion of pop, gospel, classical, jazz, folk and ballads, that she called “Black Classical Music.” Her voice and music were instrumental in the American Civil Rights Movement. The Nina Simone Birthplace is being restored and is currently not open to the public. For more information visit online at http://www.eunicewaymonbirthplace.blogs.com 

The National Trust for Historic Preservation’s African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund, in partnership with World Monuments Fund and Preservation North Carolina, recently secured protection of Nina Simone’s childhood home. The home, located in Tryon, North Carolina is now protected with a preservation easement held by Preservation North Carolina, a statewide historic preservation advocacy organization. With the easement in place, the home is now protected indefinitely, with the agreement carrying forward to all future owners. While protecting the home, the easement will not impede rehabilitation of the home, but ensure its historic character is maintained and prevent demolition.

In 2018, the National Trust for Historic Preservation designated Nina Simone’s Childhood Home as a National Treasure. Since this designation, the National Trust has worked with local partners in North Carolina to develop rehabilitation and protection strategies while envisioning a future use that honors the legacy of Nina Simone.


Take I-26 to exit 67- Highway 108, Tryon/Columbus. Travel west on Highway 108 for about 3.5 miles. Turn left on East Howard, then left onto Cleveland. Then turn right on Markham. Follow Markham past the “Big Green House” and Garrison Chapel Church. The Nina Simone house will be one block up on the left.