Martha's Amish Bakery - First Peak of the Blue Ridge
1 (800) 440-7848

Martha’s Amish Bakery

NOTE: Current hours for this business are found in the First Peak Restaurant Guide - click here.

In 2014, Martha opened her bakery on Highway 9, which has become a destination for many — especially during donut day on Saturday. They're a mother/daughter team, serving the breads and sweets that have been passed down to them through generations of Amish women. Check out their amazing fresh-baked items - the menus and offerings change regularly and with the seasons.

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Confirmed Open (after Hurricane Helene)
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In 2014, Martha opened her bakery on Highway 9, which has become a destination for many — especially during donut day on Saturday.

The shop has also began serving sandwiches for breakfast and lunch, with customers choosing what type of meat and toppings they want, on either bread or a bagel.

NOTE: Current hours for this business are found in the First Peak Restaurant Guide – click here.