Morris the Horse, a well loved landmark standing on the corner of Trade and Pacolet Streets, has proudly represented Tryon since 1928. He is both a symbol of the community’s love of horses and a replica of an era gone by when wooden toy horses just like him were made in Tryon and shipped to destinations all over the country.
The first Tryon Horse was built of wood by Meredith Lankford and Odell Peeler, two employees of Tryon Toy Makers, to advertise the first horse show held at Harmon Field in 1928 and sponsored by Tryon Riding and Hunt Club. Pulled by a car through town, the horse would lift its tail and head when the reins were pulled. The current Morris is the fourth generation of Tryon Horses. He is made of fiberglass and is stationary. He does not travel around town as his ancestors did.
He has appeared on Christmas ornaments, street signs, T-shirts and more. When you visit, be sure to go by and say hello.