The marker is located northwest of Tryon, NC, at the intersection of Harmon Field Road and North Trade Street (U.S. 176)
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“Agreement between North Carolina and the Cherokee Nation concerning the boundary between North Carolina and Cherokee land Cherokee Indian Nation; North Carolina, June 13, 1767.
The invocation by Rev. Arsene Thompson of Cherokee was in his native Indian tongue and Henry Bradley, Chief of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee with Mrs. Asbury Barnett of Asheville performed the unveiling. Speakers included C.P. Rogers, chairman of the Polk County Historical Association, D. Hiden Ramsey, Asheville Citizen-Times company official and Dr. C.C. Crittenden, director of the State Department of Archives and History. Crittenden said the marker would remind people that North Carolina is “rich in her history and rich in the interest of the people to mark spots where a historical event has taken place.” Ramsey noted that North Carolina has much history in “which she is not so proud but also much of which she is very proud.” Marking the spot of the treaty was included among the proud moments in history.